The problem that we face in Indian system has many roots but major reason: 1. There are very few who decide that no mater what we will follow only the path of dharma. 2. And most (all) of these few, put up a blind mask when something wrong is happening near them. They even lack the courage to just say that this is wrong, leave aside fighting for truth. Even these few are like Bhishma, cursed to see Draupdi dishonored in front of them. If you really want to change the system, have the courage to say this is wrong, have the courage to fight the battle of dharma..... only then is there any future for us!!!!
Flowers and thorns grow together, but two are very different. Flowers spread their fragrance even if you crush them.., and thorns they will bite you back... And so flowers are used as offering to the divine, as garland to touch the heart of divine... and thorns once they are cut from tree, they are nothing... The same is true for you, if you like flower love even the one who troubles you, harm you, kill you... You gain the eligibility to be near divine, to be touched by divine, and to be used as his messenger and spread his love... You gain the eligibility to travel on the path where one day you will be the DIVINE Two Roses: by AK